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New York City Extra
The Insider's Guide To New York City

Total: 14,745,765

The Boroughs
Bronx: 1,365,536
Brooklyn: 2,497,859
Manhattan: 8,168,338
Queens: 2,250,718
Staten Island: 463,314

Empire State Building
Built:  1930 and 1931
Height:  102 floors.

Statute Of LIberty
Built: 119th Anniversary on October 28, 2005
Height:  Ground to tip of torch - 305'1"

Time Square
Built::  Attracted large numbers of visitors around World War I
Square Footage:  Spans 40th and 53rd Street and 6th and 9th Avenue

Grand Central Station
Built:  1903-1913
Height: 12:01 am on Sunday, February 2, 1913
Square Footage:  44 Platforms two underground levels with 41 tracks-upper level and 26  lower

Radio City Music Hall
Built:  December 27, 1932. 
Square Footage:160 feet from back to stage/ceiling - 84 feet
Seats: Approximately 6,000

Rockerfeller Center
Built:  1932 to 1940
Height: 70 Stories, 850 feet
Square Footage: Today 22 acres
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New York City Extra does not endorse any business found within. We only provide information and reviews based on our experience with the business. You may find that your experience will be different due to seasons, weather, staff on duty, or other reasons, and as such you should use just prudence when considering to vacation in any city.

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The review and images will be updated with new content to reflect the latest experience and if there is any category subnavigational review, such as within the restaurant category, the review score will be updated to reflect the newest review.

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